Depth and Soundings
Luode carries out depth measurements with its own boats from depth of 0.5 m up to 200 m. Both multibeam and singlebeam type sounders are available. Our experts select the best method according to the site circumstances.
Luode carries out depth measurements with its own boats from depth of 0.5 m up to 200 m. Both multibeam and singlebeam type sounders are available. Our experts select the best method according to the site circumstances.
In addition to depth, Luode’s sounding services include sediment soundings with low-frequency equipment, side-scan sonar soundings and seismic soundings. The survey targets are often related to dredging planning, disposal site surveys, or background and as-laid surveys of cable and pipeline routes.
In many cases, it is possible to carry out measurements simultaneously with several different types of soundings, allowing the entire project area to be reliably covered by the same supplier and achieving significant cost savings.
We also use a combination of multibeam and LIDAR for structural soundings on piers, harbours, power plants, dams and bridges. In this way, both upstream and downstream sites can be surveyed at the same time.